See You Next Wednesday
Agree to disagree.*
Yesterday I saw
The Government Inspector. It was a very good performance of a sadly awful play. Tonight I saw
Transformers. It was a spectacular performance of a childishly fun story. Tomorrow I am going to see
Gala Suite & Cut. I hope I can find someone to see it with.
I had something to say about the title but words escape me.
Babies make me cry.I have not been reading blogs much because they take too long to load in between packets of Linbot's CSI:WTF booty. However her pirate ship seems to be becalmed this morning so I caught up on some of the last six months. I must keep this up. Greetings to the
Antichris and
I would like to thank
Alix (and Dave) and
Ted (and Sumie) for the technologically assisted sharing of their bundles of joy. I'm sure looking forward to
Dave (and Fiona) being as powerful happy as you big old parents. Tears. Of. Joy.
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot?
Communication breakdown.I think it's because I haven't had time to read other people's blogs I am uninspired to write my own. Work is busy in an unproductive waiting-for-other-people way. Rest is sufficient and unremarkable. Play is routine, which is good because play is routinely fun. Money is a hyperextended elbow. Friendship is everywhere, love is nowhere. Laughter is easy. Life is satisfactory, could improve. I am probably playing too much as it is, so to read more blogs I could make a game of it; I could see how many blogs I could read in an hour, then try to break that record.
This may not sound like the snappiest line from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), but it evidently caught the imagination of John Landis, who has worked references to a mythical film of this name into most of his own movies - memorably as the grotty British skinflick watched by an assortment of lycanthropes and zombies in the climax of An American Werewolf in Paris [sic] (1981).
Ghastly Beyond Belief, Neil Gaiman and Kim Newman