See You Next Wednesday
Day off.I've had all day to write this one.
Happy birthday, Doctor von Thomson.
The boxes are still here.
I went into the box room the other day and found a computer monitor which was overlooked when I took five computers, four printers, two monitors and a crate of peripherals to the tip. It wasn't a small one either; the box is a fifty centimetre sided cube. I wonder how I missed it - then I reconsider just how much material has been gathered here and despair. It's been rainy so I haven't been in the shed. (It was a bit sunny, but I used that to mow the lawn.)
Generally I have been coasting along on the happiness achieved by lowered expectations; barring crisortunities I can do this for years. One day, soon, I hope, I will do something remarkable. On that day, or shortly after, I will remark upon it here. I'm not holding my breath however, for that way lies disappointment and fainting. If your lungs can't exchange anticipatrons for carbon dioxide I suggest you also keep your diaphragm undulating.
(I have used 'I' too much for my liking, but writing them out would take too long and it would probably never get posted.)
Someone else said it better."
It's too late for the government to train me to be a weapon. For someone to approach me on the street, and to tell me I match a certain profile. I probably won't even learn another language well enough to speak it fluently. Giant crazed attack dogs won't ever suddenly act like scared puppies when they see me. I won't ever be a grandmaster of chess, either. I don't think at this stage I can even reasonably expect to make Expert. There are some things I regret as I get older, I guess. There are a ton of traditional ways to be bad-ass, and I missed the boat. But that's okay."
Joey Comeau
That time already?Still vaguely ill; also, melancholic. I have noticed recently that if you tell someone you are feeling better they (may) assume you are completely well again... stuff about people saying "how are you"... dualism ... I'm not going to be able to put this into proper sentences today, but I don't want to delete it now I've started.
Sweet dreams.
Differently ill.Doctor said I caught a bacterial chest infection while my immune system was busy with the viral sinus infection. I'm off work until next week which would be useful if I didn't feel so poorly. So it's lots of bedrest, liquids and some antibiotics for me while I'll catch up on some DVDs:
United States of Tara, which is nice, and
Sarah Jane Adventures, she is tough under pressure*.
Name that tune.
Indigestion.My tummy is funky, and not in a good way. My cooking is not good. My lifestyle is irregular. Usually it's not so bad as to cause tummy upsets, but in the past fortnight I have been trying new recipes, returned to work, and been called pathetic and a liar by a good friend. So now I wake up around four or five o'clock and ruminate about just exactly how I fail. Don't panic (dear reader) I am a happy person, still - I have great resources of happiness to share. I have a happy life with great fortune and many blessings. However, at this point in time (embodied in the hours before dawn) the good things appear vanishingly small next to the rooms full of accumulated junk, incomplete projects, a stalled career etc. Sadd, isn't it?
Also,This was fun to watch.
This may not sound like the snappiest line from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), but it evidently caught the imagination of John Landis, who has worked references to a mythical film of this name into most of his own movies - memorably as the grotty British skinflick watched by an assortment of lycanthropes and zombies in the climax of An American Werewolf in Paris [sic] (1981).
Ghastly Beyond Belief, Neil Gaiman and Kim Newman