It doesn't rain but it pours, revisited.
Rain has been falling for forty-eight hours now. The weather is still hot (25°C to 30°C) so it is more pleasant to get rained on than to wear a raincoat and perspire. Also, after two days, the whole garden is thoroughly soaked so Emily has taken to urinating in the litter tray, mostly. Be that as it may, half the annual average rainfall has knocked ten degrees off the heat and I have been able to take action on the finding-a-job front. An Expression of Interest has been sent and this weekend will see my first thorough trawl of the Public Service Gazette. Especially if it rains for another two days.
Minutiae alert, trivia approaching. Please do not read this paragraph if you are offended by the inconsequential details of my life. I was woken yesterday by an Indonesian house gecko chirping. "Chirp, chirp" it went and I awoke. In the instant of becoming conscious I had an image of the words 'past tense'. The text was in fourteen point Times New Roman black italics on a white background, just large enough for the italicisation to cause stepping but the lines are still all the same width; that's how vivid the image was. The first thought I had was 'time', which inspired me to look at my clock. I had overslept by fifteen minutes, probably due to the novelty an overcast sky. That's all; it was a remarkably vivid image.