What I can't understand is why anyone would voluntarily become dependent upon a chemical.
Friday will have to be pretty amazing if this week is to score more than a rude word out of ten. There have been many good things, however they have been far outweighed by the latest travesty of staffing I have been a party to. The city office was short staffed (again) due to illness so I have been working there this week. I have been working on reception dealing with enquiries about Employment Services, a field in which I have had no training, ever. But that's alright because there are other staff for me to get assistance from. Why they are not on reception, I don't know. What I'm supposed to do when they go to a meeting, I don't know. (No hyperbole, everyone went to the meeting except me and the temp. Nobody mentioned they were going.) On the second day I found out I'm on reception for the whole week, this recast my workload management strategy as a poorly chosen one. On the third day, in the afternoon, I found out that the office was trialling new reception procedures and I was supposed to have been... blah blah blah went the airplanes of information. You see the round hole my square peg has been pressed into, well look again: the staff who were off sick last week have all been at work this week.