Q: When is 6.2 less than 4.72?
A: When you're waiting for Netscape to do it's thing.
It's back to the old browser for me, and once I've uninstalled and reset it all I'll be able to get back to my rut. I've decided to advance my departure schedule again, June will see the beginning of the "apply for anything, cold call vague acquaintances, request compassionate transfer" stage.
Later that same day... my browser could be as slick as oil on water, but nobody will know if I can't get my log to update.
Penthouse published pictures allegedly of Anna Kournikova, however they weren't. The photographs were of "the daughter-in-law of a fashion lieutenant", whatever that may be.
And in budget news: "Under the new rules [Disability Support Pension] will only be paid to people who cannot work at least 15 hours a week at award wages". So, as long as I get 3 hours sleep each night that's 21 hours a week I cannot work, well above the limit needed to qualify for the pension.
On a personal note, I love my sister... "I am going to the Lake District this weekend with some people from work and probably Frankfurt the weekend after that to visit a friend and then San Francisco for the two weekends after that (and the week in between) and then Barcelona the weekend after that and then I think I'm stuck in London for a weekend or two". What a little jetsetter!