The sky looks positively impending.
On Tuesday I sent off a raft of emails to office managers prostituting my services as a Family Assistance Office Customer Service Officer, Administrative Assistant and LAN Support Officer with nine years experience. A similar message was sent in hardcopy via the internal mail. Half an hour later I was talking to my supervisor about the rumours I was going to resign. After I explained the "not coming back from leave even if I don't have a new job" aspect of my schedule (for November) he said he would talk to some higher ups at the Area Leadership Team meeting (people I have spoken to already) about spotting opportunities for me. When I got back to my desk I had a response to one of my emails. On Wednesday the Northern ACT Customer Service Centre Recruitment Manager had promised me a material response within the week and one of the FAO Team Leaders was creating a position for me. Yesterday I was offered a job if I pay my own way down in time to start on 19 August. Yes! Just as soon as my manager has spoken to the Leadership Team to see when I can be released. Today, nothing happened. I recall two weeks is barely enough notice for a two page pro forma referee report to be completed, perhaps "rate determining step" would be accurate than "manager". I'm not holding my breath but I am quietly confident.