Sports update.
Commentating nonsense I heard during the Women's Marathon:
"[She] can only run 90K a week due to injuries."
"It's all about tangents, the straightest distance between two lines."
"Nine months of childbirth to prepare for the pain, then straight back into training."
"[I have] a newfound respect for women that I always had."
"A couple of mums and a triathlete, what is happening to the Marathon?"
I have finally been told I can have a week off to move to Canberra and start my new job. Yes! Except... I can have a week off from 19 August, which is when I'm supposed to start in Canberra. How come Canberra can come up with a job for me in a day, but Townsville takes a week to figure out they want to negotiating my starting date? So I have accepted the position and invited Canberra to negotiate the 26 August start date with my manager. If it's not negotiable then I will move over the weekend, even if I have to live out of a suitcase in a motel room, rent storage in two cities and fly back and forth a dozen times, because this is ridiculous. My feet are toasty warm.
Hmm... the three Australians competing in the Women's 100m Freestyle are Henry, Ryan and Thomas. It sounds like a story by the Rev. W. Awdry.