I work in a cubicle now.
Quote from the other side of the cubicle wall:
A: Think of a number between one and ten. Multiply it by nine. If the answer has two digits then add them together. Subtract five. Convert the number to a letter (you know; one is A, two is B etc.). Think of a country starting with that letter. Take the last letter of the country and think of an animal that starts with that letter. Take the last letter of the animal and think of a fruit that starts with that letter. OK?
B: Yes.
A: You are thinking of an orange being eaten by a kangaroo in Denmark.
B: No. I was thinking of an apple being eaten by a cobra in Denmark.
C: Is eggplant a fruit? I was thinking of a snake in Damascus.
A: If you were thinking of an orange being eaten by a kangaroo in Denmark you belong to ninety-eight percent of the population.
C: We must belong to the special two percent.