I have a presently undefined workload of between zero and twenty million units.
Most of the vacationing staff have returned to work and there is plenty to do for all. I have been given a task called "IT Assets At Risk - Date List Stress Fracture" and told who could help me if I have any questions (i.e. not the person who gave me the task). Although the name of the task appears to be eight random words the documentation was plain enough. Too plain, actually. It didn't indicate what action was required for the task so I asked the nominated person who could help me if I have any questions. He had also read the documentation. I could tell because he knew exactly the same information as me. He also knew four other people knew about it and a management meeting (currently unscheduled) would decide what needed to be done, if anything. Maybe I can make a game of it...
I have recently discovered you can tell when you get the instant pasta sauce right because when your alimentary canal uncover the frozen peas, which you microwaved before smothering them with instant pasta sauce, they are hotter than when you got them out of the oven.
Happy birthday, Ted. You are cool (and sexy). Thank you for a monkey. Thank you, thank you.