Still ill.
It's not a forty-eight hour thing either. I went to work, did what I had to do and came home. Since then I have drunk soup and juice and slept. I haven't even watched telly. Around midday if you fill our kitchen sink with hot, soapy water and put your hands in it the sun will shine gently through the window in a very comforting way for those of us with a head full of rhinovirus. So I washed the dishes, slowly and carefully.
Now that I think of it, that might be the only redeeming feature of out kitchen. The fridge alcove is next to the back door so it can catch the afternoon sun. There is less than one metre of bench space. There are two power points, and two more behind the stove which would need extension cords strung across a doorway to be useful. There are cupboards under the sink and two wall cupboards (about seven metres of shelving in total). The wall cupboards are set about one and a half metres off the floor, one next to the sink and one next to the door, so you can catch your shoulder on them when you turn or knock yourself out if you bend at the waist. There is one other redeeming feature: television reception is excellent on all channels.