Just quickly because I’m busy.
Next Week For Sure lost our netball game but we were much better than last time, we even won the third quarter. This week’s lesson:
if you can’t be accurate, be tall.
The Heroclix Olympic Stadium was completed on time (barely, just like an Athenian one) including an unfinished but serviceable grandstand. Mega-City One, following up a warrant to prevent mutants and aliens spoiling the games, finished out of the medals in the sharpshooting but won bronze in the weightlifting.
Phoenix beat Thunderbirds convincingly to progress to the Grand Final of the Commonwealth Bank Trophy against Swifts in Sydney next weekend.
How many sons does it take to hang a collage, move the daffodils to the backyard, check the tyre pressure, detach a faulty smoke alarm, and change four lightbulbs? One, but he gets breakfast and birthday presents.
Dave, Jimbo and I did a bit of research for
Starship Manticore by watching the first episode of
Firefly before generating two more characters to fill out the crew roster.
Golden game will be moving to Thursday so the Guardians of Justice wrapped up the interdimensional brouhaha by recovering Mjolnir from Loki and having Octavius, who had been transformed into Thunderstone (cf Thor), confer with The Vale. The discussion was not going well when Starro interrupted so Thunderstone hit Starro who was merging with The Vale and somewhat destroyed them both.
Oh, look. Peeping out from under the other paperwork on my desk is my Interim Performance Assessment. It is nearly two months overdue, which means the next one is due in just over two months time. I wonder if I could do one and hand it in twice?