Uncle 4: a new final revenge master on patrol.
Congratulations Jo and Michael. In Sydney at about five o’clock on Tuesday 28 September 2004 the as yet unnamed boy, fourth
child of my siblings, was born measuring fifty centimetres (twenty inches) and thirty-two hundred grams (seven pounds four ounces). I believe everybody is happy and well.
I, um, er...
I saw Risky Two:
The Set (Up) by The Fondue Set at the Australian Choreographic Centre. Elizabeth, Emma and Jane clumped around the room in high heels and sequined boob tubes in choreographed variations on themes with the help of two dozen chairs, half a dozen spotlights, a microphone on a stand and a piece of loud rock music. I liked it a lot although the sequences of variations seemed to be truncated and failed to develop quite a much as they may have. Maybe there were timing issues, or artistic differences. It was clever, but it could have been cleverer. Also, Mister Loud Friend sat at the back and laughed too much. Nevertheless I enjoyed the whole fifty minutes of patterns devolving into tame chaos. I give it three and a half bastard children of Ray Harryhausen and Jane Turner out of five.
Xad’s axed.
At Dave’s
Dungeons & Dragons game my barbarian, Exadnah, was throttled to death. Jimbo was ill and Ian had to leave early so I was not without characters to play (Randolph hits it with a stick, Womp bites it, Muzrow shoots it). The party did get back to Ripplesand where Dexy Footfall, my halfling monk, joined them on bandit patrol.
Your tax dollars at work.
I’m going to post this now because I’m on a flex tomorrow.