What I did on my day off.
The car went in for a service, and yet another different caution about thinning tread. If I ask them to rotate the tyres they say they’re all so worn there’s no point; and if I don’t ask they identify two of them (the ones on the right this time) and suggest I get them rotated with the next service.
I tidied the house for inspection. I am tempted to say cleaned, but it’s not. Anyway, the house inspection didn’t happen.
I watched some of
The Two Doctors. It is, overall, a patchy production. There is enough Patrick Troughton and Nicola Bryant acting to watch the rest of it despite Colin Baker acting, Jacqueline Pearce not acting, ill-fitting Sontaran costumes, and Nicola Bryant’s exceedingly fitted and quite impractical costume.
Meanwhile, back at the theatre...
Sam the Eagle wants to redraft his opinion piece, which is fine. All he needs to do is edit his script. But no, Sam thinks the song before his piece and the song after his piece should be amalgamated into one big, oddly disjointed, song with his spoken word interlude to mask the join. This requires the score to be rewritten by Nigel the conductor. Nigel doesn’t believe in spoken word interludes.
Later, that same day...
After work I watched the rest of
The Two Doctors and went to volleyball. With most of our players absent due to injury or wedding anniversary only Al, Ian and I took the court. We won, amazingly enough. Up forty-three to four at half-time, we slumped in the second half to finish sixty-five to eighteen after our usual lapse into confidently leaving the ball for a team mate who wasn’t going for it. Also, we swapped to serving overarm which was a two-edged sword: more aces but more faults too.
Happy Birthday Mummy
Mum went to Sydney for the weekend to see her new grandson. I sent him a Soup Dragon.
Sam the Eagle doesn’t think the final, gargantuan, act is complicated enough. He wants a potential curtain call and encore integrated into the score. He stapled the extra details to the back of the original madness and claimed they were there all along because he’d mumbled about them under his breath once. Nigel still refuses to acknowledge there will be any changes made at all.
Longg Weekendd
Saturday was mostly spent looking for a table to play games on. I determined the only tables big enough are dining tables made of expensive hardwood or outdoor settings made of expensive iron and glass. I decided not to pay between two and fifteen hundred dollars for a card table. Sunday was mostly spent exposing a murderous quarterback in Innesmouth. Monday was mostly spent reading about and playing Heroclix with Ian and Jimbo. It was a nice weekend.
Sam the Eagle has acknowledged there is not one hundred percent enthusiastic support for his grand finale, so he has sent the idea off to the
Pigs in Space cast for their input. Fortunately they want nothing to do with it and Nigel has already scored the songs, a reprise and Sam’s fanfare separately. If we staple them all together, Sam may not even notice the difference. As it turns out Kermit hasn’t seen the new opinion piece, so it may yet be cut. And anyway, now
Pigs in Space have noticed they are not the centre of attention and have ordered a giant prop for their sketch, completely upstaging Sam’s speech.