Eyecon foiled.
Charmed Pages held another weekend of playing games which I missed because I was playing James’s game on Saturday and on Sunday I was having a mope. Pathetic.
A Day at the Races.
At Dave’s game on Monday there was a race which Randolf won riding Womp. My "mysterious stranger from the east" riding a tiger was revealed to be a mummy and slaughtered mercilessly by the crowd after I rolled three consecutive ones for his or her race tactics. Later we resumed our normal alter egos to foil a kidnapping, mainly through the agency of Lycus, unprecedentedly nimble without his armour, leaping onto the fleeing horse and rider and using gravity to drag the victim to safety. We tracked the absconder to his lair and interrupted a wererat ritual sacrifice. Sparky spent the fight nauseated and vomiting.
A Night on the Phone.
I telephoned Emma in Bulahdelah. Later, she telephoned me.
It was more interesting if you were there.
Meanwhile, at the dance.
Two thirds of my work on
The Muppet Show has been postponed.