"How can you cope with, and indeed implement, an orange background and blue links?"You say that like it is a bad thing. Implementation was accidental. When I changed my template to allow comments to be posted I restored the original orange background. However I cannot find where the link colour is defined. If your epilepsy is being triggered try using a different browser as the colours may be perceptibly different.
"Where/how do you get the time/inclination to setup all those NPCs/monsters in your games, so they're all handily listed on that sheet?"It does not take a lot of time to cut text from
an online SRD and paste it into a word processor. I am inclined to do this so I only have a few sheets of paper to deal with for most of the game session, rather than constantly flipping through the rule books.
The sixty-odd strong bandit camp was a special case. I had just sorted out my
Heroclix and I thought it would be nifty to have the bandits equipped to resemble the
Heroclix and then use the
Heroclix for a tabletop battle. So I did. (Anyway the PCs incapacitated them with area effect spells and mowed them down with missile weapons, so it hardly mattered which ones were wearing full plate armour and wielding scythes.)