Games are fun.Simon was away visiting his sick brother (get well soon), I had foolishly left Emma back at Pirate Cove, and Dave had a dose of CPS so the was no
World's Largest Dungeon last night. Instead we played
Carcassonne. After three games Jimbo read the rules and discovered how to score.
Juggling memos.Today is the last rehearsal for the late autumn season at Muppet Theatre. All my memos have words stamped on them in red capitals.
Some memos are about making sure the burning torches have a burning end and a catching end, and these two ends are not the same end.
Other memos are about what colour to paint the catching end, if they aren't painted, and if they are what colour are they and do they need repainting...
Every memo is top priority because today is the last day changes can be rehearsed.
... or was.The intergalactic juggling act has been given a bit longer to practise. From backstage it looks like a triage ward with the curtains on fire; but from the auditorium it just looks a bit clumsy. I shall have at least one, possibly two more weeks of standing between the aliens while they hurl tomahawks and bowling balls at each other. And I'm the muppet who has to arrange the dog's breakfast.