YesterdayWe played in the
World's Largest Dungeon at Duffy Street last night. The Othermooners delved further into the new region and cleared out vermin from a potential new headquarters. Egon managed to get bitten and poisoned by the last spider on its last hit point, but the invigorating local water soon had him back in his armour.
Further in they came across a den of shadow mastiffs which was scary, particularly for Urza who ran away twice, and Turag who fled into a pit trap and died. (Oops. Scratch one lazy, treacherous NPC.) Gruk found a nice halberd and would have slain a shadow mastiff with one blow if we had remembered it's critical damage is triple.
Then they walked all the way back to their old headquarters.
The Muppet Show the Martians are practising their solos and the Koozbanians are practising their entrances. Yes, they are important parts of the show; but no, they aren't what requires attention. (Well, they don't require my attention.)