Reasons to be cheerful.
I have internet access at work again. I wonder if it will let me blog... no. Blogger uses a Google Mail account for signing in, and access to Google Mail accounts is forbidden. I shall just have to email this to my Bigpond account, which I am also forbidden to access, and post it when I get home. I also have my Sametime chat access back. I may never earn my pay again...
Chatting is such fun. I had a drink with Shy after work yesterday; it was totally brilliant to actually get to the end of a topic of conversation with her, and then talk about something else. I felt spoilt, which was nice. Today Emma-Jean spoiled me some more.
On Tuesday night a bunch of sleepy-heads, some who had to get up at stupid o'clock the next day to go to the airport, stomped on some bad guys in the World's Longest Corridor. The module included the big bad guy's tactics for the first five rounds of combat and notes about when his minions would summon help and such - the entire fight lasted two rounds. Dave wants to put WLD on hiatus again, but we haven't decided on a replacement. Perhaps we will have a game selection and character generation session next week.
On the weekend Emma-Jean returned to Canberra. What a lovely time it is to be alive. Welcome back, Emma-Jean.