Must. Blog. Better.I have a sore throat which is trying to get into my nose and ears. Fortunately I also have friends who dole out health giving stuff like lemons, garlic, mouthwash and advice. Friends are most excellent, thank you friends. Illness is affecting my concentration, I've only got this far because I'm home from work and undistracted. I don't know how well developed this entry will be, but I'm told to blog anyway; people don't read this for my linguistic stylings. (See, I know that's the wrong word but I also know I can't think of the right one at the moment.)
I went to the
Canberra Nara Candle Festival with Jen and Risa* on Saturday. It was pretty and entertaining. I saw
Once with Emma on Sunday and did a little shopping and ate
pancakes, which was nice.
Once was fun and kind and character driven and a musical, but in a good way. On Sunday evening I took Jen to dinner at Emma and Gavin's with Alex, Liz, Mark, Pat, Shy, Terence and Tim. My throat was behaving poorly and Jen was tired so we left early. On the way home we met Larry who had been celebrating his seventy-fifth birthday and fallen over drunk in the road. While we were escorting him home and calling a friend to check on him I missed a couple of phone calls. They related to sad news which Dave can tell you about
Actual spelling may be simulated.