TTFNRecently I have been posting infrequently. This was scaled down to opportunistically on the weekend when the internet service provider closed Linda's account. Now I have to post from wherever I can, which does not include work due to organizational policy. "Hello" from a Public Internet & Email kiosk at Woden Plaza. I expect my currency in cyberspace to practically cease for the time being.
MYAMeanwhile, at work, I have been writing cue cards for nearly two weeks. The sketch hasn't been written yet. There is an outline so I can estimate where to put the "(pause for laughter)". There aren't any actual jokes as such, or even dialogue really.
On the weekend I played in Emma's systemless, almost diceless,
L&O:ACT cop squad game with Dan, Gavin, Graham, James, Jeremey, Narayan, Pat & Shy, and Terence for the RPG Meetup Blue Moon Game. Thoroughly excellent and totally fun, as usual. Then I played in Dan's
Shadowrun-ish action movie pastiche with James, Jeremey, Narayan, Pat & Shy, and Terence which was also great and violent fun. On Sunday I visited my mum and went to dinner at Emma and Gavin's with Alex, James, Liz, Mark, Pat & Shy, and Terence. I had a lot of trouble being heard. On Monday I went to the Patcave to learn how to play
Big Eyes, Small Mouth but James and Pat & Shy went to the movies instead. After lunch we walked around a lake and then I went home again. I went to bed at eight. On Tuesday (after writing cue cards all day) I played
Burning Wheel with Dave, Emma and Simon; which was nice.