Beyond difficult comprehension.Gonzo pointed out The Flying ZucchiniBrothers poster was incorrectly punctuated. There should be a space between the "Zucchini" and the "Brothers" would seem the obvious error, and maybe it is. But Sam the Eagle believes "incorrectly punctuated" means The Flying Zucchini and Brothers are two separate acts, mistakenly amalgamated on the roster, and nobody has noticed until now. Sam doesn't work in the office, but he is a bully. Now we have to: not tell Kermit so he isn't embarrassed by this enormous disaster (or possibly point out any flaws in Sam the Eagle's idea); cut The Electric Mayhem to make space for Brothers in the program; search for details of Brothers' act to see how much space we need to make in the program; get Scooter to find out how to go about not paying the band; assume Brothers' act is similar to The Flying Zucchini's act, after all Kermit did get the two confused, and forge the missing paperwork; write a short opinion piece to fill in because The Electric Mayhem's time slot was longer than the Brothers' act requires (Sam the Eagle took this task on himself); tell Doctor Teeth to ask Scooter about the band getting paid; rearrange the program to put as many other performances in between The Flying Zucchini and Brothers so the audience doesn't notice the similarities; and reprint the posters.
Also, doing it in that order makes sense to the brain which came up with the "mistakenly amalgamated" resolution for the "incorrectly punctuated" issue. Can you imagine what a brain which thinks like that looks like? I suspect it would be made of cloth. Maybe I should cut open Sam the Eagle's skull to check.
And another thing,Another brain I am morbidly curious about is the brain which thought to enter The Electric Mayhem’s
Retainer Payment in Lieu of Contracted Performance submission on a
Harass with Litigious Prejudice for Criminal Behaviour Involving Puppies form.