Reanalogizing... now!I was going to redecorate the
U.S.S. Swinetrek for the rebooted
Pigs in Space, but the costume department hasn't come to a design decision so it's been put off until spring. I was selected because of my experience with redecorating and not my familiarity with the Swinetrek set, so I have been doing a lot of reverse engineering to catch up. Fortunately, this means nobody else's time has been wasted for the last three weeks, just mine.
I will probably be redeployed to Muppet Labs, but meanwhile it's back to the maintenance roster for me. There are problems with the Family Season Tickets, Children's Season Tickets, Adult Concession Season Tickets, Family with Adult Concession Season Tickets, and Resubscription Discount Season Tickets. However there isn't anything wrong with the Single Adult Season Tickets which means each of the ticket problems has to be fixed separately so as not to disturb the small part of the system which works.
In Real Life.The house market has been very slow since Christmas. I am led to understand a house on land in Canberra is currently overpriced by around fifteen percent, and the local prices will continue to be met by investment buyers because [political rhetoric and individual anecdotes sprinkled with economic jargon], but we should keep looking.
I found a group on the Internet which meets for coffee once a fortnight so I went along to three. About a dozen people showed up each time. The loud people monopolized the conversation with the interesting people leaving the nice people to entertain the dull people, as you might expect, but with twelve people after a while there was some circulation. Sometimes the conversation was interesting - I heard about a pod of orcas which cooperated with the whaling station at Eden on the New South Wales coast; I learned what you can throw in the recycling bin in Canberra; and I was told where lap dogs like to defecate when it's too wet to go outside - sometimes it was not interesting. There were some people who were new to Canberra and felt very welcome, which was nice. On the last occasion, after coffee, I went to see
Valentine's Day on the day and I was invited to an English Second Language conversation afternoon which was alleged to have a website I have completely failed to find.