Let’s see if this still works. On Friday my car had its 200Mm service; it will have to go back in the new year for a “clutch kit”, I am told. The service engine light came back on* about half an hour after I drove away. While my car was being serviced I went to the dentist; I have to go back in the new year to clean up some decay and touch up a couple of fillings. Then I did my Christmas shopping which I managed not to complete despite using a list; some people will be getting new year’s gifts this season. In the evening I went to the
Impro ACT end-of-year event. Brad, Dave, Heidi, Marco, Nick, Ruth and I did a long-form format Heidi had developed in our class called
Homeward which was great fun. Other people watched and clapped at the end and said it was fun to watch too, which is nice.
On Saturday Alex, Ash, Gavin, James, Morgyn, Shy and Terence helped James move to his recently bought house. There were two trailers and some stuff had been moved already so it was not a lot of work, but it expanded to fill the time available. Once there were two people loading furniture onto a trailer while five people stood in the driveway watching them and a funny person said “Hooray! Teamwork!” James bought pizzas for lunch and Danica bought icy-poles too, which is nice.
On Sunday I got my
Heroclix out of the shed but I’m not allowed to play with them until I’ve finished my Christmas gift wrapping, which will probably be in the new year. In the afternoon I played in Mike’s Arthurian
Amber game with Chris, Julie, Justin and Shy. Mike runs games differently to how I am used to games being run: players keep their character secrets secret, NPC motivations change as the real world requires, character development is prescribed by the GM. We received experience and although I got the least amount, and I’m not sure how to use it, I am sure I have more than I will need, which is nice.
That was another good day.
The service engine light has been on constantly since the NRMA replaced the “compressor and lines”, except for an intermittent period over two days after Toyota checked it and determined it was a “stressed sensor”. This time it was a “historical code” and the “buffer was flushed”. Yet it returns...