Separate unsolicited enquiries about life insurance, disability insurance, accidental injury insurance; what is the universe (or, at least, the commercial financial universe) trying to tell me?*
Last Tuesday someone said I should write a book. Sometimes, I imagine writing a book. It's not like when I imagine standing on the Moon. I have no idea what it would take for me to stand on the Moon, so I don't know it won't happen. I have some idea what it would take to write a book. In decreasing order of magnitude: I know how people write books, I know people who have written whole books, I have friends who have written legitimate literature which was professionally published, I have worked in the publishing industry (in a previous century). When I imagine writing a book I know it won't happen. As far as I can tell, it's more likely I will stand on the Moon.
Tell me: nothing. Sell me: insurance.